A former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration says its vital to invest in ensuring infant formula and breast milk ...
A Consumer Reports investigation has found that some infant formulas contain potentially harmful levels of lead and arsenic.
In response to a study that found heavy metals in infant formulas, the FDA stated it will bolster its testing of infant ...
New testing by Consumer Reports highlights infant formulas with minimal heavy metal content while flagging some for ...
Exclusive new testing by Consumer Reports highlights safer formulas while also identifying some that contain potentially ...
While there are several safe options, Consumer Reports said more than a dozen formulas have ‘potentially harmful’ levels of ...
To find out more, see The First Steps Nutrition Trust. What is the closest baby formula to breast milk? The make-up of all infant formula is as close to breast milk as possible, but it’s impossible to ...
Consumer Reports analyzed 41 types of powdered formula. Twenty-one of the formulas tested had little to no detectable heavy ...