A cold begins when a virus attaches to the lining of your nose or throat. A doctor can usually tell if you have the flu based on your symptoms, especially if it’s during peak season. Bird flu ...
Usually those cold symptoms with the ... even if you’ve had the flu this winter. Doctors are keeping an eye on rising numbers and share a reminder for all. “Frequent hand washing,” George ...
Cold and flu season is in full swing right now. It is super easy to get sick with all of these ailments, but if students are ...
While three illnesses — flu, the cold and COVID-19 — share some commonalities, key differences set them apart. Experts recommend several steps, including vaccination, to stay healthy.
The symptoms of COVID-19, the flu, and a cold have some overlap but are often different. As a rule, flu and COVID-19 symptoms are more severe than cold symptoms. Your symptoms can help you tell ...