Ad slogans help us determine the best products for our lives, and the best ones hit us in the feels. While the advertising world has churned out countless award-winning catchphrases, it's hard to ...
How do AI-generated ad slogans compare to those created by professionals? New University of Minnesota research suggests that ...
The vehicle in the ad in question didn't begin the trend that started years before by a "tippy" competitor, but was one of the more interesting selections in the bunch. Answer at the link.
Ford has adopted a new ad slogan designed to ward off complacency after successful run of nearly six years. The company is reportedly retiring its "Drive One" tag line for "Go Further," which will ...
"It's a four-word feminist manifesto." The new documentary "The Final Copy of Ilon Specht" reflects on a pioneering advertising copywriter who broke ground for women in the work force with the phrase, ...