Mumbai: Maharashtra's agricultural sector is set to experience significant growth of 8.7% in 2024-25, compared to the 3.3% ...
CottonConnect launching pilot projects on Kasturi and Suvin cotton to transform global textile supply chains sustainably.
The State-run Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has started the sale of cotton procured in the current marketing season ...
Nagpur: Congress Legislature Party leader Vijay Wadettiwar launched a sharp attack on the Maharashtra govt on Monday over two ...
The Regenerative Cotton Standard by the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF), which was launched in Tanzania at the end of November ...
Maharashtra's economy set to grow at 7.3% in 2024-25, leading in agriculture, industry, services, and social sectors.
Bala Jagtap, a farmer from Arvi village, protested anti-farmer policies by dumping his crop produce outside a government ...