Chinese scientists have created a Frankenstein-like robot that is powered by a tiny human brain in a first-of-its-kind feat.
Although the Monster has a deformed body, his brain is fully functioning and ... Evidence "Believe me, Frankenstein: I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity: but am I not alone ...
Possibly even more interesting than the story within Frankenstein is the story of its ... five more novels before dying at ...
Frankenstein's unscrupulous colleague, Dr. Bohmer, plans to transplant Ygor's brain so he can rule the world using the monster's body, but the plan goes sour when he turns malevolent and goes on a ...
Ygor resurrects Frankenstein's monster and brings him to ... is unaware that his various associates all have different ideas about whose brain should be transplanted into the monster's skull.
But the Cougars’ prowess doesn’t end there. Kevin Young threw at Utah what he’s thrown at so many other league foes — a ...