As a soldier, General Ulysses S ... The man who started it all was a career soldier named George Armstrong Custer. Custer had already gained a reputation for getting into trouble.
Matt Vincent, author of “Wild Times & True Tales From the High Plains,” signs copies of his book following his presentation for Overland Trail Museum’s History Café Wednesday, July 28, 2021.
1977 Movie"If General Custer survived the Battle of Little Big Horn, would the court find him a hero or fool?" ...
He recounts being captured and raised by indians, becoming a gunslinger, marrying an indian, watching her killed by General George Armstrong Custer, and becoming a scout for him at Little Big Horn.
As a soldier, General Ulysses S ... The man who started it all was a career soldier named George Armstrong Custer. Custer had already gained a reputation for getting into trouble.