On February 27 at 7 p.m. in Rediger Auditorium, the Black Student Union (BSU) gathered students, faculty and members of local ...
"First and foremost, I got to give the glory and the praise to my Lord and ... added that he is "so glad God gave me a chance to be a Buckeye," thanking OSU coaches for changing his life.
The joyful celebration came on the eve of Bishop Sullivan’s 80 th birthday, 54 years after his ordination as a priest for the ...
A short time later, it was RihRih who was jumping for joy while celebrating the verdict, writing in her Instagram Story, “THE GLORY BELONGS TO GOD AND GOD ALONE! THANKFUL, HUMBLED BY HIS MERCY!” ...
In response, Rihanna took to Instagram to offer her message of thanks to God. In an Instagram story, with white text over a black background, Rihanna wrote, “The Glory belongs to God and God alone.