For this edition of the Scrub Hub, we are answering questions about 'greener' burials: What are they and how do they work?
“Deep,” yes, deep in the ground actually, for Luc Nadeau has been building biodegradable caskets by hand out of beetle-kill pine since 2008, as the green burial movement was just gaining ...
Going out ‘green.’ Demand grows for Florida funerals that preserve nature, cut pollution If you’re thinking about green burial, it’s a good idea to start planning while you’re able to ...
Alkaline hydrolysis is not the only form of a green, or eco-friendly burial, there are other sustainable options Hoosiers can choose. Green burial can mean different things to different people ...
The green burial (natural burial) section of a cemetery is pictured. In traditional burials, caskets are often buried within a concrete vault. But for green burials, there is no such lining and ...