Vishnu, working in tandem with Brahma and Shiva, forms the primary cosmic governing body of the Hindu tradition, a triumvirate known as the Trimurti. The origins of the Kali, goddess of death ...
Kuchipudi exponent, Dr Anuradha J Tadakamalla, brings her dance production Mahakali, to Bengaluru as part of the Nayika - ...
Discover Kolkata's fascinating history and how its name evolved from Kalikata, linked to the goddess Kali, colonial ...
Kali Chaudas is considered the day Goddess Mahakali defeated Asura king Rakthabija in a fierce battle. Kali Chaudas falls on the Krishna Paksh Chaturthi tithi of Kartik Month on the Hindu calendar, ...
One of the most powerful and revered goddesses in Hindu mythology ... from one's faith in themselves and in the divine. Mata Kali, the fierce and destructive aspect of the goddess, is often ...
An idol of the goddess Kali was vandalised at a temple in Pabna town early today. Hindu community leaders said the incident took place at Shree Shree Rokhkha Kali Matar Mondir in the Dilalpur area.