The Angels, Rangers and Astros New Era Overlap line of hats that feature a mashup of the teams' logos have been pulled ...
The banned MLB hats have been going viral on Twitter, and now, the Astros have joined the Rangers and Angels in having them ...
It's gotten to the point where MLB is pulling several Overlap hats from the team stores. Earlier this week, MLB pulled the ...
Ah, spring. Sure, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming. But I don't care about that. Spring means baseball is right around the corner. All of your favorite teams and players have converged on ...
The special-issue hats, featuring the team's wordmark in the background and primary logo in the front, have been the subject ...
two more hats from the Overlap line have also been pulled. The Houston Astros hat, which appears to read “Ashos,” and the Los Angeles Angels hat, which appears to read “Anaels,” are both ...
A trio of New Era baseball caps for the Angels, Astros and Rangers pulled from stores are selling on eBay for big bucks because of their mistakes.
The Texas Rangers, Los Angeles Angels and Houston Astros have each had their hats from the latest New Era collection pulled because of logos that appear to have ...
And this is all a little reminiscent of when the Oakland Athletics accidentally released a hat that had the word “Ass” ...
The Texas Rangers ballcap that reads "TETAS" which refers to a woman's boobs, has been ofifically pulled from the shelves.
The Astros gathered in the clubhouse to honor Hall of Fame closer Billy Wagner and presented him with a pair of boots, a ...
New Era, long the sole supplier of MLB caps, released - and pulled - an "Overlap" design that transforms teams' names into ...