Yes, there is one direct Mail Express train running between Hubli and Ganagapur Road. What is the distance between Hubli and Ganagapur Road? The distance between Hubli and Ganagapur Road is ...
How many trains are there from Dadar Central to Hubli? There are 4 direct trains that run between Dadar Central and Hubli. The train schedules consist of 1 daily, 1 weekly and 2 triweekly trains.
Hubli-Dharwad is a magical twin city located ... head towards the illuminated twin heritage precincts near the railway station - Gandhi maidan and District Court to soak in the night vibes.
The fastest way to reach Hubli from Mumbai is by flying ... Terminus and go on an 18-22 hours journey heading to Dharwad Railway Station. You can choose the train that matches your preference ...