Ennosuke’s two managers discovered the three at their home at 10:15 a.m. on ... fame for developing “Super Kabuki,” a modernized style of Kabuki theater that his uncle produced.
With its distinctive kumadori make-up, vibrant costumes, and dynamic action, the kabuki theater occupies a central position in Japan’s performing arts and is an immediately recognizable symbol ...
Hawaiian Kabuki was performed on Japanese soil for the first time in June in an emotional “homecoming” show at the Aioiza theater in Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture. This part of Gifu is well known ...
Kabuki Theatre filmed with high-resolution cameras for cinemas in High-Definition digital projection and six-channel sound. A handsome love couple at the pleasure quarters in Kuruwabunshō ...
Kabuki is among the most well-known traditional performing arts in Japan. The stage has been dominated by men for more than 400 years. But now an actress is making her mark on this cherished part ...