also emblazoned with the swastika, which sold for £50. A Third Reich Luftwaffe dress dagger sold for £220 while items linked to high profile Nazi Hermann Goering were also included in the sale.
A 1933 badge featuring the swastika went under the hammer, along with a 1939 Iron Cross medal, for £300. A Third Reich Luftwaffe dress dagger went for £220, while swastika-emblazoned Nazi ...
The Nazi items included a Luftwaffe dress dagger, which sold for £220, and an "SS-type" dress dagger, which did not sell. An Iron Cross military medal, which came with a swastika pin badge ...
also emblazoned with the swastika, which sold for £50. A Third Reich Luftwaffe dress dagger sold at McTear's for £220 while items linked to high profile Nazi Hermann Goering were also included ...
also emblazoned with the swastika, which sold for £50. A Third Reich Luftwaffe dress dagger sold for £220 while silverware linked to high profile Nazi Hermann Goering were also included in the sale.