Facebook-owner Meta said Tuesday it is shutting down its business-focused Workplace app to focus on artificial intelligence and metaverse. The company said it believes the AI and metaverse ...
Our reader surveys show that 74 percent of you are using that information in your work reshaping cities to be more equitable and sustainable places for all. Thousands of you keep updated by ...
"The apps used for work should feel as intuitive and empowering as the most popular consumer apps,” said Tori Paulman, VP Analyst at Gartner. “That's exactly what employees are craving—a ...
The folks behind the messaging app Slack know a thing or two about ... At least 750,0000 organizations around the world rely on it for their workplace communications. So when the company’s ...
Microsoft has recently announced a new update for its workplace app "Teams". The new update introduces a bunch of new features for the workplace app. With the latest update, the app gets new ...