And he's breaking conventions in Japan’s 420-year-old Kabuki theater tradition. In Kabuki, all the roles are played by men, including beautiful princesses — a role Maholo accomplishes ...
With its distinctive kumadori make-up, vibrant costumes, and dynamic action, the kabuki theater occupies a central position in Japan’s performing arts and is an immediately recognizable symbol ...
Kabuki is among the most well-known traditional performing arts in Japan. The stage has been dominated by men for more than 400 years. But now an actress is making her mark on this cherished part ...
Kabuki performances starring Ennosuke were scheduled to be held that day in Meijiza, a famed theater in Tokyo. The theater decided to cancel the daytime performance but staged the evening ...
Kabuki Theatre filmed with high-resolution cameras for cinemas in High-Definition digital projection and six-channel sound. A handsome love couple at the pleasure quarters in Kuruwabunshō ...