All specific primers must be supplied by the client, but we have available free of charge a few common sequencing primers: M13(-21)F and M13(-40)R. Please note: there are several primers called: M13F, ...
A Sanger sequencing reaction is run with a single primer. The following table lists the recommended amount of DNA template and primer for optimal Sanger sequencing results. Note: for plasmid DNA the ...
All samples and primers must be dissolved in distilled water and must be provided at the concentrations below. For each sequencing reaction submit 10 μL of template and 10 μL of primer (templates and ...
Press Release Distributed by To view the original version on ABNewswire visit: Oligonucleotide Synthesis ...
During these thermal cycles, DNA primers bind to the target DNA sequence, enabling DNA polymerases to assemble copies of the target sequence in large quantities. PCR makes it possible to produce ...
For this purpose, primer design matches the core (black), the enzyme-specific (red) and the restriction-site remnant (green) sequence. Primers may have one or a number of additional bases at the 3 ...
The Genomics Core now has an Illumina NextSeq500 Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) instrument! This will expand our capacity of services already offered for NGS. Feel free to call or email us to find ...