Romeo and Juliet. Very good. How about this one: "If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it, that ...
A new production of Othello foregrounds what its earliest audiences recognized: the psychological costs of war.
Jodi Picoult reportedly claimed Shakespeare isn't real in March 2025, after previously stating that Emilia Bassano wrote some ...
Window cleaner Steven Wadlow has spent more than a decade trying to prove he is in possession of a priceless, authentic ...
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has announced that it will “decolonize” future celebrations of the famed playwright in his ...
Theater due for a Shakes-up Prithee, shut thy Broadway programs. This cometh season Shakespeare is yet again showing life ...
Beware the Ides of March? Charles A. Dana Professor of English Emerita Cynthia Lewis explores how prophets in Shakespeare's ...