Zhanjiang integrated refinery and petrochemical complex, also known as the Sino-Kuwait integrated refinery and petrochemical complex, is the biggest joint venture (JV) refinery project being developed ...
Barmer refinery and petrochemical complex is a new facility that is currently being developed for the production of clean fuels in the Barmer district of Rajasthan, India. The project is the first of ...
The Elba liquefaction project primarily involves the addition of ten liquefaction units to Southern LNG Company’s (SLNG) existing Elba Island LNG Terminal, located at Elba Island in the Savannah River ...
The South Stream gas pipeline project was proposed to transport Russian natural gas across Europe via Bulgaria to Italy. It was intended to be a direct competitor to the planned extension of the ...
The Tengiz oil fields entered a new phase of production with the construction of its Second Generation Project (SGP) and the introduction of sour gas injection (SGI). This onshore development, which ...
Santos (30%), PETRONAS (27.5%), Total (27.5%) and KOGAS (15%) The Gladstone liquefied natural gas (GLNG) project on Gladstone Island in Queensland, Australia, is the world’s first unconventional gas ...
The Urucu-Coari-Manaus pipeline transports natural gas for electricity production in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The 661km-long pipeline was formally inaugurated in November 2009. It is operated by ...
Located 17 miles from Poole and six miles from Wareham in the Purbeck district, Dorset, England, Wytch Farm is a mature oil field that has been extracting oil and associated gas from sandstone and ...
In 1997, Conoco and Pennzoil Products Company began full-scale operations of a new, $500m hydrocracker at its Lake Charles, Louisiana, complex. The refining process technology produces high-quality ...
The Abu Dhabi crude oil pipeline project, also known as the Habshan-Fujairah pipeline, was initiated by the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), which is owned by the Abu Dhabi ...
The Wood River Refinery is an oil refinery located in the small village of Roxana in the state of Illinois, US. The refinery is situated about 15 miles north of St Louis, Missouri, along the eastern ...
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Cabinet Committee on Foreign Investment, Guru Gobind Singh Refinery (GGSR), Punjab government, Mittal Energy Investments Mittal Energy Investments, Allahahad ...