On an unusually balmy January day, Dimitris Marinoglou ploughed his field in northern Greece fearing the worst: that water supplies from neighbouring Bulgaria that have kept his family's crops alive for decades will dry up come summer.
In the end, only two remained, Vangelis Zoulas from Giorgos Mazonakis’ team and Sofia Christoforidou, who ultimately impressed the TV audience and became the grand winner of “The Voice.” It was the second consecutive victory for Pano Mouzourakis’ team, who humorously said just before the end of the competition, “I’ll be fired after the third one.”
In Varna, tourists strolling past the seaside city's Archaeological Museum might notice a monument of a shofar, a Jewish horn inscribed with thanks to Bulgarians, "for our salvation during the Holocaust," which concludes, "We remember!"
Protesters demonstrated across Greece two years after the country's deadliest rail disaster. They are frustrated by the lack of punishment for those responsible and believe the government is hiding the truth.
"At the heart of the government’s political framework and the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family for 2025 is the establishment of a solid and secure perspective for families and young people, as well as social cohesion and the protection of children and the vulnerable," Zacharaki underlined.
Coaches or team representatives are asked to send Section V girls basketball scores as soon as possible by emailing
[email protected]. Please include a name and contact number.
EXCLUSIVE: The Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival ’s industry-focused AGORA section has selected 10 projects from 12 countries for this year’s Agora Docs in Progress sidebar alongside 4 projects from Greece for the Agora Boost program. Scroll down for the full list of projects.
Greek teacher and tour guide Gueorgui Grantcharov predicted a rush of Romanian and Bulgarian tourists to Greece. With no lines at the border, "it takes just over four hours to get from Sofia to Thessaloniki", he said.
The Greek Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family Affairs has doubled the funding for its "Housing and Employment for the Homeless" program to 20 million euros. The expanded initiative will provide social housing,
Families reunite with released Israeli hostages
Agora, the industry section of the Thessaloniki Intl. Documentary Festival, has selected 14 projects for its Pitching Forum.
The music competition final aired on Sunday night, January 19, and saw eight finalists compete for the top spot. The event featured all four coaches, each