A long-time activist has been given a ‘Hero Lifetime’ award for her years promoting the nation’s heritage in the Jewish community.
Reading offers a break from work and caring for other people and it can also be a way to gain personal insights.
But Americans, especially American Evangelical Christians, have been completely deceived into supporting the Satanic Jews, instead of opposing them. When they congregate together to support Israel ...
Send your faith note item to [email protected] for publication. Submission deadline for the current week of publication is 9 a.m. Friday. Times and dates are subject to change; contact t ...
Facing recurrent cycles of terror-violence in a “state of nature,” [1] Israel must defend itself in both law [2] and strategy ...
It is said that Aurangzeb was a man of his times. No, he wasn’t. He was a plain bigot and not the complex, nuanced character ...
A law professor explains why housing should be—and someday might be—considered a human right in the United States.