YOU SEE THE TESLA COME FROM THE LEFT SIDE OF YOUR SCREEN ... a ringtail cat, a barn owl mount, and an illegal spike buck, in addition to other deer. At the family member’s residence in Napa ...
I close out a series of winter articles with this account of a Baxter State Park ski trek of nearly 20 miles, hauling a ...
Using rodent bait and insecticides may help control mice, gophers, and mosquitos, but using them can have consequences for ...
Flying silently through Nick Davis’ almond orchard, a barn owl swoops through the blossoming trees, listening for the slightest rustling of what could be its next meal. With one-inch talons and ...
Jackal Creek residents gathered to witness the heartwarming return of a barn owl (tyto alba) to its home territory after a successful rescue and rehabilitation. Barn owls face numerous threats ...
Larose is the San Diego Humane Society's Wildlife Operations Manager. After determining the baby bird was OK, they wanted to ...
A bipartisan group of lawmakers on Monday urged the Trump administration to scrap plans to kill more than 450,000 invasive barred owls in West Coast forests as part of efforts to stop the birds ...
Rather than killing one owl species to preserve another, the federal government should focus on restoring forest health and developing lush habitats. In other words, officials should abandon a ...