In the first well-documented instance, the US Supreme Court ruled in 1974 that a student had the right to fly the flag upside down on his dorm room with a peace symbol also placed on top of it.
The argument for neutrality has been used before to justify the exclusion of marginalized folks and to erase symbols of progress. There was a time when displaying the American flag in support of ...
MONTREAL - In an effort to reinforce secularism in schools, the Quebec government is planning to expand the province’s ban on religious symbols to everyone who interacts with students.
Ninety-two years ago, the American Goldfinch became Iowa’s state bird. Today, Iowans are calling for a state horse, fish and ...
Earlier in the day, Mr. Prasanth told a TV channel that the display of political flags or symbols inside temples is strictly prohibited by the courts, and the board had issued a circular regarding ...
I wish to address a matter that strikes at the very foundation of our Republic. America is more than just a place – it is a set of ideas and values passed down from generation to generation.
Councillors unanimously passed a motion at the Feb. 25 council meeting that they support human rights organization B’nai B’rith Canada’s call to the Government of Canada to pass legislation banning ...
OTTAWA - Prime Minister Mark Carney’s first move after taking office on Friday was to eliminate the consumer carbon price, undoing Justin Trudeau’s signature climate policy. Carney addressed ...
A convoy of vehicles with Russian flags and symbols denoting support for Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine has rumbled through Australia’s iconic Bondi Beach. The parade, under escort from the ...
Col. John Bolduc, superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol, hands an American flag to Kevin and Teresa McAcy, the parents of Trooper Kyle McAcy, during McAcy’s funeral at Liberty First ...
Jason Kilburn’s daughter Caroline is your typical 2-year-old girl. Jason Kilburn holds his smiling daughter, Caroline, at Omaha attorney Joshua Livingston's office on Feb. 19. Kilburn is trying ...