In the live-action comedy threequel, beloved raincoat-clad bear Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) discovers that his aunt has vanished back home in Peru. With his adopted human family, Paddington ...
It is a gritty series that follows gang wars and domestic arguments in Long Beach, Calif ... official that creates a global crisis. Ben Whishaw plays her friend, an assassin who also is a ...
Cast: Ben Whishaw, Rebecca Hall. World Premiere. Fiction. Rebuilding / USA (Director and Screenwriter: Max Walker-Silverman, Producers: Jesse Hope, Dan Janvey, Paul Mezey) –– After a wildfire ...
Ben Whishaw, and Heath Ledger. Walking into I’m Not There with only a basic knowledge of Dylan’s legacy might leave one bewildered, but even in that regard, the film triumphs as a beautiful ...
Sundance 2025: "It's very hard to make a film about an artist," director Sachs says of the unlikely adaptation The post Ben ...
“Peter Hujar’s Day” reunites writer-director Ira Sachs with his “Passages” star Ben Whishaw, and Sachs revealed at TheWrap’s Sundance Studio presented by World of Hyatt that his latest ...
Ben Whishaw tells a story in Ira Sachs' narratively bold film "Peter Hujar's Day," based on the transcript of a conversation between two friends.
The movie centers on an extended conversation between Peter Hujar (Ben Whishaw), a brilliant, but struggling photographer, and his close friend, writer Linda Rosenkrantz (Rebecca Hall), who ...
The entire film takes place in one day — but more than that, it consists entirely of Peter Hujar (Ben Whishaw), the noted New York photographer of the 1970s and ’80s, having a rambling ...