PUBLIC NOTICE Casey Hite has applied to the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services Bureau of Coastal Management for a permit to construct a 14'x21' 6-pile boat lift landward and ...
According to NASA, the word propulsion “is derived from two Latin words: pro meaning before or forwards and pellere meaning ...
Following the discovery of the tilting and partial sinking of the AuSable River Queen (ARQ) – at Foote Site Pond in the early ...
After being docked five years for mandatory maintenance, the one-of-a-kind, heavy-lift vessel is preparing for an upcoming ...
From a chain of massive barges stretching from a Chinese beach into the sea, to a powerful new design for cutting undersea ...
The TX-10,000 is the largest heavy-lift vessel ever built in the United States. It is U.S.-flagged and Jones Act-compliant, ...
A coalition of educators, school districts, and unions filed a complaint in a Massachusetts federal court on Monday against the Trump administration to prevent the dismantling of the US Department of ...
At first it was assumed by both of us  that I would take the helm when docking or mooring and she, being spritely and nimble, would handle the lines. But as time went on and we both got more ...