Marked by grief, war, and doubt, C. S. Lewis journeyed from atheism to deep Christian faith—transforming his pain into ...
you'll be speaking in terms that your atheist friend can understand. Get to know some of the great Christian philosophers and apologists. If you haven't read C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity ...
CS Lewis: A Life, was published earlier this year to critical acclaim. Holy Trinity Church was packed for the talk, which charted Lewis's life and spiritual journey from aggressive atheist to ...
For anybody out there who thinks that our students aren’t looking to be nourished in their faith, this is evidence to the ...
This year's annual UTC C. S. Lewis Lecture will be held on Monday in Derthick Hall, 201, on the UTC campus. The lecturer will be Dr. C. Ben Mitchell. Dr. Mitchell is the recently retired Graves Chair ...
Local media often refers to Lewis Pitts as a retired civil rights attorney. Pitts did not retire; in 2014, he resigned in ...
Christians of all people should of course know that this world is NOT all there is. Indeed, this world is transitory and ...
‘Jessica is non-verbal but it’s nearly two years since her last public speech therapy,’ says mum of child with rare condition ...