People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and arthritis have a higher risk of death than people with arthritis ...
Watching no more than one hour of TV a day may lower the risk of heart attack, stroke and other blood vessel diseases among ...
Body size and excess weight, conventionally assessed using body mass index (BMI), are well-established risk factors for many ...
An exercise intervention aimed at elderly women was successful at reducing falls, especially among those with polypharmacy, a ...
Almost half of people who died with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) died prematurely, according to a study published in CMAJ ...
Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) is a bacterial pathogen that causes pneumonia in school-aged children and adolescents.
Small amounts of a common antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug can curb symptoms where a misplaced immune reaction (e.g., ...
Caring for a baby is a full-time job, often causing new mothers to overlook their own health needs. This situation is ...
Men who consistently avoid prostate cancer screening appointments face a disproportionately higher risk of dying from the ...
Dental implants used to replace single teeth continue to function well after several decades, according to a study from the ...
Past research has suggested that inflammation may contribute to the development and progression of dementia and that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications may help protect ...
The oxytocin system-which helps release breast milk and strengthens the bond between mother and baby-may be affected during breastfeeding in mothers experiencing postnatal depression, finds a ...