Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI ...
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been ... pearls would go back to my mom’s side of the family since I have young siblings and no kids right now. She ran off to her grandma in tears.
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been ... my pearls would go back to my mom's side of the family since I have young siblings and no kids right now. She ran off to her grandma in ...
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been married for 45 years to a wonderful man. We’ve been blessed with a great relationship but the last two years I’ve developed a phobia about ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I are in our mid-70s, married more than 50 years. He has been physically disabled since our mid-30s, has some form of OCD (never officially diagnosed because he refuses ...
stepdaughter still won’t speak to stepmom Advice | Asking Eric: Wife fears it’s too late to leave abusive husband Dear Birthday: I haven’t been to a Tuesday night party since I was in college.
Dear Eric: I want to get rid of my junior and senior high school yearbooks. They take up space, I have not looked at them in at least 20 years, and I’m not planning on looking at them.
Dear Eric: My husband thinks husbands and wives shouldn’t travel separately unless absolutely necessary, that solo trips just open the door for all kinds of issues such as infidelity.
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been married for 45 years to a wonderful man. We’ve been blessed with a great relationship but the last two years I’ve developed a phobia about ...
You deserve joy. Dear Eric: Recently my first cousin, Melanie, contacted me to offer condolences at the passing of my wife. The contact came after an uncomfortable hiatus of 18 years during which ...