Spies, soldiers, and superheroes – such were the cinematic heroes of the time. So get ready and buckle up, these are the 35 ...
Wright designed it in 1900. “Really, it is a kind St. John the Baptist to all the Prairies ... insight into that iconic figure’s life and art. “I just dove in,” Hendrickson said.
• Tales from the D-Dennis Coffey: March 21, Detroit Historical Museum, 5401 Woodward Ave., Detroit, hosted by Detroit ...
Three long-retired Philadelphia detectives went on trial Tuesday in a perjury case that examines whether police should be ...
In Green Bay for the NFL draft? There's more than football in Wisconsin. Explore more of the state on these five day trips.
Behind the bar, bottles are arranged with both aesthetics and practicality in mind, with Pennsylvania spirits given pride of ...
The plans for the RiverRock house in northeastern Ohio were left on Wright's drawing board when he died. But whether the ...
One of Wright’s most celebrated organic architecture achievements is Fallingwater house, a house built over a waterfall in ...
So Penfield reached back out to Wright to build a second home. The then 91-year-old Wright said that though he had stopped ...
The J.J. Walser Jr. House in the Austin neighborhood is a rare gem in the Windy City -- but a rough history has led its ...
Fort Myers Beach Art Association artist John Rizza’s paintings are being featured all this month at the Arts for ACT Gallery ...