Mr Justice Matthew Nicklin told animal lover Mr Curtin he had the right to picket MBR so long as he doesn't obstruct vehicles coming in and out of the facility and doesn't enter the area immediately ...
Mr Justice Matthew Nicklin told animal lover Mr Curtin he had the right to picket MBR so long as he doesn't obstruct vehicles coming in and out of the facility and doesn't enter the area ...
The incident had none of the significantly aggravating factors that had led to the imposition of the interim injunction Mr Justice Nicklin In a 109-page ruling, Mr Justice Nicklin said ...
An animal rights campaigner has described a High Court ruling which means he is allowed near a facility where beagles are bred for medical research as a victory of David over Goliath.
In a 109-page ruling, Mr Justice Nicklin said: “As to harm, the breach was in respect of a protective order that was designed to prevent the sort of behaviour in which Mr Curtin engaged.
Mr Justice Nicklin said: “I am going to provide that the injunction shall last initially for a period of two years, at which point the court will consider whether it should be renewed ...