Explore Harriet Tubman's legacy as a freedom fighter. Discover her role in the Underground Railroad and beyond.
Now is not a time to deny that it is dark, says Sr. Christine Schenk. It is a time to lean on God's own Spirit to help us ...
"Hell’s Belles: A Classic Rock Burlesque" at Rascals on March 23 will take the audience back in time for performances set to ...
Hi! My name is Heidie, and this is my friend Leah. We’re Christians, and we were wondering if there was any way we could pray ...
A collection of press releases from the city of Midland including host family applications for the sister city project, water main flushing, and more.
From the get go, this event has drawn large crowds of arts supporters and everyday people in search of a fun event.
You may have money today and be broke tomorrow. But there are some incidents. Take for example when I wanted to produce ‘Ifa ...
So Moses made a bronze serpent ... Allegedly the Catholic Church condones statue worship. Now one version of the Ten Commandments can be found in the fifth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy ...
Garish gold statues featuring Donald Trump’s visage are nothing new at the president’s home away from home. The internet is ...