Despite the planet’s growing plastic pollution crisis, petroleum-based polymers have become an integral part of modern life.
Has a UC Berkeley chemistry lab discovered the holy grail of plastic recycling? Maybe, but with a lot of caveats.
Many might remember last year's research from URI showing that microplastics breached the blood barrier to the brain of lab ...
DeNovix is committed to increasing sustainability & efficiency in the life science industry - discover how they lessen their ...
Plastic pollution is a major problem in Nigeria. Recent research identified the country as a plastic pollution hotspot, ...
An April study by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory estimates ... the product life cycles, plastic products release 10 percent to 90 percent ...
The most endangered plant species in the Mariana Islands, the legume tree Serianthes nelsonii, faces persistent threats in ...
A team of nearly 30 scientists and engineers cycled 260 miles between Southampton and Liverpool to fight ocean plastics.
At its 67th regular session in 2023, the Agency’s General Conference adopted resolution GC (67)/RES/14, entitled “Status of ...