Today marks the start of Severe Weather Preparedness Week, a time for the public to focus on staying safe from thunderstorm related hazards as they become more frequent in the spring and summer months ...
This week is disaster preparedness week in Kentucky. That comes after widespread flooding and cold weather throughout ...
Ardmore Emergency Manager Amber Wilson says the primary concern with this storm is hail and strong winds with a chance for a tornado that could affect driver’s commutes Tuesday morning.
"Making sure it’s plugged in, making sure the pit is free and clear, and making sure that the discharge pipe is operating as it should, are the quick indicators you can check," he said. He said the ...
WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - Governor Laura Kelly signed a proclamation declaring this week Severe Weather and Flood Preparedness ...
In the event of severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and floods, we can't stop these natural disasters from happening, but we can ...
With severe weather in the forecast, there are ways you can stay safe and alert. In the next 24 hours, downed tree limbs and ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter The National Weather Service is calling on Kansas residents to have their severe weather ...
An unearthed report has revealed the potential impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred headed for Queensland's most densely ...
Whether it comes in like a lion or a lamb, March is often known for the beginning of spring storm season with the potential ...
Evergy is offering tips for storm preparation during Severe Weather Preparedness Week starting today (March 3-7).
Spring is almost upon us, which means the start of severe weather season for mid-Missouri. This means that it's time to get prepared!