The first museum in Australia dedicated to the Vietnamese refugee experience will be built in Melbourne's western suburbs.
The new spider, named Kwonkan nemoralis, was found during an expedition to Western Australia’s remote Kimberley region.
The Cowrie shell, part of the Cypraeidae family, is found in Western Australia and is known for ... The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium, where the shell is located, is devoted ...
There are 8000 shipwrecks off Australia alone, many more still to be found. Yet stunning discoveries still happen. What does ...
ArtsHub’s weekly round-up of arts sector appointments, who’s going where and who’s leaving what role in the Australian ...
This popular seaside holiday destination is known for the exceptional Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and delightful Maremma ...
RAAFA Aviation Heritage Museum – Bull Creek, Western Australia @aviationheritagemuseumwa The Aviation Heritage Museum ...
The Federation drought affected almost all of Australia and is widely considered the most destructive in our recorded history ...