Among those entrusted with restoring our hope, with navigating a medical/cultural/political disaster, were leaders at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Working with them was Dr. Thomas ...
She was active in Cleveland’s Stone Church, in foreign missionary work ... After the September wedding, the two cruised off on the “Kaiser Wilhelm II” to tour the Mediterranean and Italy, returning to ...
By: Gary Pettus University of Mississippi Medical Center JACKSON, Miss. – Five years ago this spring, we began living or ...
The First Methodist Church of Warren will have a rededication organ recital on their newly renovated and upgraded 1927 Austin ...
He is the Bishop of Rome, Vicar of the universal Church, Primate of Italy; hmong others. As the Bishop of Rome he is the head of the Latin or Roman rite. This is by far the largest rite in the Church.
Reverend Dr. Samuel Stevenson, 80, was born in Bolton, North Carolina, on Aug. 18, 1944, to the late Reverend Emerson H. and ...
George Whitefield: From School Dropout to Open-Air Evangelist Hudson Taylor: Fit to Serve, Missionary to China C. S. Lewis: An Adventure in Faith Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship Jim ...