In a first, the iconic Indian television show CID aired an episode inspired by the 2022 blockbuster Kantara. The episode, which aired on Friday, featured actor Dayanand Shetty, who plays Senior ...
The popular TV show CID will air an episode dedicated to Rishab Shetty's Kantara. Ahead of that, pictures were released that ...
Rishab Shetty's hit Kannada film Kantara is inspiring a special episode of the popular crime thriller show CID. The episode ...
Kantara emerged as the biggest sleeper hit with its release in 2022, setting new benchmarks for success. Bringing a story ...
CID actor Dayanand Shetty was once romantically linked to his co-star Mona Ambegaonkar. Here's how he had reacted.
ACP Pradyuman and his team, including Senior Inspectors Abhijeet and Daya, investigate the mysterious death of a foreign ...
CID isn't just a show but an emotion for the audience. The ardent fans of the show were left heartbroken when the Shivaji Satam-led crime thriller show went off-air. However, we were not the only ones ...
Narendra Gupta, known for portraying Dr. Salunke in CID, holds a science degree, which adds authenticity to his role as a ...
As the popular show, 'CID', is making a comeback to the screens after six years, let us look at the time when Dayanand Shetty ...
CID 2 is back, and audiences are already in love with the new season. Although the show returned after a six-year hiatus, it never felt like it was gone off air, as ardent fans binge-watched the ...
Sunny Deol starrer Jaat gets four action directors, including Kalki 2898 AD fame Peter Hein: Report. Bollywood News: Latest ...
Daya darwaza thod do,” is a dialogue that is forever etched in our minds. For almost 21 years, the cast and crew of CID have ...