In a first, the iconic Indian television show CID aired an episode inspired by the 2022 blockbuster Kantara. The episode, which aired on Friday, featured actor Dayanand Shetty, who plays Senior ...
The popular TV show CID will air an episode dedicated to Rishab Shetty's Kantara. Ahead of that, pictures were released that feature Dayanand Shetty, aka Daya, in a similar appearance.
Rishab Shetty’s Kantara has inspired a special episode of the crime TV show CID. Dayanand Shetty shared behind-the-scenes glimpses on Instagram ...
Rishab Shetty's hit Kannada film Kantara is inspiring a special episode of the popular crime thriller show CID. The episode ...
An exhibit at the Chicago Cultural Center is coming under fire. It includes a large puppet titled, "US-Israel War Machine." A brush fire erupted amid powerful winds Wednesday afternoon in the ...
Warriors star Draymond Green has apologized for punching former teammate Jordan Poole and says it is time to move on from the incident that fractured their locker room over two years ago. A brush ...
Bollywood buff & fashion critic - Nikhil adores the world of showbiz and has been a part of entertainment and lifestyle journalism for over a decade now.