Maxine Waters says Donald Trump is inciting civil war by implementing inflammatory policies that will be protested by the ...
A Democratic congresswoman from California believes President Donald Trump is promoting “violence” so the U.S. ultimately ...
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is accusing President Trump of seeking to start a civil war. The California Democrat, a ...
Congresswoman Maxine Waters believes President Donald Trump’s administration’s proposed mandates, including massive layoffs, are stepping stools to carry out a civil war. “This president is putting us ...
Waters said Trump’s recent changes to the government are an attempt to consolidate power and rile up Democrats ...
The California Democrat said that President Donald Trump had been planning for an armed conflict since well before last ...
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is accusing President Trump of seeking to start a civil war. The California Democrat, a longtime adversary of Trump, said the early flood of presidential policies ...
You can find him on X @DanGooding. Languages: English. Representative Maxine Waters said Thursday that President Donald Trump is working toward a civil war. The California Democrat told reporters at a ...
Donald Trump has long vowed to keep the country out of "foreign wars," but California Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters reiterated Thursday that she ...