The European banking game is getting more and more complicated, with the German government intending to examine the ...
At the G7 and Ania conference, the president of Ivass and director general of Bankitalia, Luigi Federico Signorini, highlighted the importance of a proactive approach to improve insurance coverage, fo ...
Mercedes-Benz downgrades 2024 forecasts due to falling demand in China. Shares collapse in Frankfurt, also negatively impacting Stellantis. But the entire sector is worrying: in August, heavy decline ...
The presentation of the new French government is approaching. Prime Minister Barnier is filing together with President Macron ...
The bull has trotted across all global markets, from the US to Asia to Europe after the Fed rate cut and awaiting the next ones soon. The appetite for risk has returned and tech has celebrated. Today, ...
القطاع الثالث جاهز لتطبيق قانون الإصلاح، ويبلغ حجم مبيعاته السنوي في إيطاليا 90 مليار يورو. توقيع مذكرة تفاهم مع رؤساء ...
Nel 2023, i finanziamenti per progetti green e social salgono a 125 miliardi di euro, mostrando una significativa crescita rispetto ai 100 miliardi del 2022. Il network di Elti si arricchisce con l'in ...
G7およびアニア会議で、アイヴァスの社長兼バンキタリアのゼネラルマネジャーであるルイジ・フェデリコ・シニョリーニ氏は、リスクに対する認識の向上と保険分野での明確なコミュニケーションに焦点を当て、保険補償を改善するための積極的なアプローチの重要性を強調 ...
Das europäische Bankenrisiko wird immer komplizierter. Die Bundesregierung will die einzelnen Schritte prüfen, die zum Verkauf der Staatsanteile an Unicredit geführt haben. In Spanien wächst der Druck ...
Mercedes-Benz abaisse ses prévisions pour 2024 en raison de la baisse de la demande en Chine. Les actions chutent à Francfort ...
Mercedes-Benz menurunkan perkiraan tahun 2024 karena menurunnya permintaan di Tiongkok. Saham anjlok di Frankfurt, juga berdampak negatif terhadap Stellantis. Namun yang mengkhawatirkan adalah keselur ...
Alla conferenza G7 e Ania il presidente dell'Ivass e dg di Bankitalia, Luigi Federico Signorini, ha evidenziato l'importanza di un approccio proattivo per migliorare la copertura assicurativa, puntand ...