‘There’s a lot of people in the EU who supply gaps in the service industries, the land workers … fantastic work ethic … lovely people … There’s a lot of rubbish talked about benefits and the fact ...
This event will discuss how the government can boost investment, raise living standards, and deliver growth. We will explore whether the government’s current policies go far enough, and where the ...
IPPR has reacted to Rachel Reeves’s speech, Harry Quilter Pinner, executive director of IPPR, said: “Rachel Reeves is right to say Britain’s economy has huge ...
IPPR will once again be hosting a lively programme of fringe events at four party conferences this autumn; Conservative, Labour, SNP, and the Liberal Democrats. We anticipate that, just as in previous ...
This event will explore the key components of the Clean Energy Action Plan and the role of the Government’s green industrial strategy in boosting clean energy generation here in the UK as it seeks to ...
We are entering an age of unprecedented environmental breakdown and a transformational response is required. IPPR is undertaking a major research programme to understand the implications of ...
The director of leading think tank IPPR North has today called for Mayors to be given the power to bring in a visitor levy for their area. Giving evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local ...
Reforming social security in Scotland: Responding to the experience of unpaid carers ...
Environmental breakdown is accelerating and poses an unprecedented threat to international cooperation. A new positive-sum model of international cooperation is needed, which should seek to realise a ...
Over the past few days and weeks, there has been lots of rather histrionic commentary about the UK’s economic situation as if the budget has created an economic disaster from which we’ll never recover ...
This report, the culmination of an international programme of research into the drivers and consequences of globalisation, calls for a rethink in international governance and a more 'personcentric' ...
After three years of a Conservative-led Coalition government, Tim Bale asks what is left of the modernisation of the Tory party and who among its leading lights might carry the torch for party ...