House of the Dead is a horror rail-shooter series originally developed by Sega in 1996. The first game received a remake in 2022. The original House of the Dead 2 was released in 1998 for arcades, but ...
Here is The First Descendant Ines Raya release date along with her skills, new skins, and Lunar New Year event and rewards.
Check out the Ines Character Trailer for The First Descendant, a free-to-play third-person looter shooter developed by Nexon ...
You've met the Breakers, now meet their greatest adversaries, The Crowns. The highly-anticipated Hyper Light open world co-op rogue-lite Hyper Light Breaker is officially set to launch in Steam Early ...
Check out two of the best Monster Hunter games of all time, as well as their lengthy expansions, in this bundle deal.
Meet Ines, a ranged dealer that harnesses high-conductivity electrical energy. Play as Ines to electrocute swarms of enemies with multiple shocks!