Looks like it's season two for the Texas beloved owl Athena, who fans got a glimpse of last year! Did you know that Texas had ...
Barn swallows, infamous for their mud nests in doorways, are returning. Once they make a nest, you can't legally remove them.
Birders in Michigan are scratching their heads over unusual photos of a snowy owl. The animal is perfectly perched on a ...
FOSTER – The baby owl, just two or three weeks old, was out of the nest and in trouble. Still a few weeks shy of learning to ...
A Devon donkey sanctuary is doing more than just caring for rescued animals. Its natural grasslands are creating the perfect ...
Larose is the San Diego Humane Society's Wildlife Operations Manager. After determining the baby bird was OK, they wanted to ...
A reddish snowy owl in Huron County has drawn national attention, and now appears to be returning back to "normal." ...
Residents of Ouse View care home, in Fulford, were pleasantly surprised to find the birds roaming around their ground floor lounge, courtesy of Owl Adventures.
Ouse View Care home, in Fulford York, was full of animal mischief on Wednesday when the owls came to visit the home.
The decision on whether a 47.5 MW solar farm on land at White Hill Well, Hook, will be built will be made at a development management committee meeting at Hart District Council on Wednesday, March 19.
Ben Napier crafted a greenhouse and garden with thoughtful materials and plants as a gift for his wife, Erin, and to instill a passion for gardening in his two daughters.