"Meet Maymo, the hilarious lemon beagle taking YouTube by storm. Watch Maymo and his adorable pack in laugh-out-loud skits, epic pranks, and heartwarming adventures that dog lovers can't get enough of ...
Cheryl Gaw, 63, has rescued more than 2,500 pugs in South Africa over the years after she and her husband sold their house and generally reset their lives to help as many dogs in need as they ...
If the Internet had a spirit animal, it would undoubtedly be the pug. Not because the pug is majestic or graceful, but ...
Sustainability is making waves in the toy industry, and plushes are at the top of the list. Teddy Mountain, the global leader in wholesale DIY plush products, is launching ECO Origins. The new line ...
A partially deaf pug has received lots of attention online after her owner shared a heartwarming TikTok video of her responding to an adorable sound. The pug, named Loulou, doesn't respond to her ...
TikTok fans have been captivated by a heart-warming video featuring a partially deaf, internet-famous pug named Loulou. The pup may not react when her name is called, but another sound seems to be ...