Doreen Kansiime, the Ministry of Tourism Permanent Secretary said the expo will enable robust Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) interactions.
EbINTU ebibalirirwa mu bukadde bw’ensimbi byatokomokedde mu muliro ogwakutte ekifo kya Suppliers world, ekiriraanye Ugand Revenue Authority (URA) mu Jinja. Poliisi ezikiriza omuliro nga ...
BAZZUKULU ba Lwomwa abeddira Endiga balambudde ebifo by’obuwangwa n’ennono mu kika kyabwe n’ekigendererwa eky’okubiteeka ku mutindo bisobole okufuuka ebifo eby’obulambuzi.
As more students opt for sciences over arts, the demand for arts teachers is also shrinking ...