Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
The Rock voices the role of the demigod Maui in Moana 2. Dwayne Johnson will reprise his role in the live-action Moana.
Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and few stars have a bigger draw at the box office. While no ...
An animator is seeking multiple-billion dollars worth of damages from Disney after accusing Moana 2 producers of stealing ...
Liu, who recently appeared in the Dwayne Johnson Christmas movie Red One, admits that if she were the sort of person who ...
Animator Buck Woodall has sued Disney, alleging the company copied elements of his screenplay for "Bucky" to create "Moana" ...
Animator Buck Woodall claims Disney copied his 'Bucky' screenplay for 'Moana' and its sequel, seeking $10 billion in damages.
Animator Buck Woodall sues Disney, claiming Moana copied his Bucky screenplay. Seeks 2.5% of Moana's $10 billion global ...
Moana’s live-action version is directed by Thomas Kail.
Mr Woodall is suing Disney for $10 billion, or 2.5 per cent of Moana's gross revenue. He claims he provided the screenplay ...
Dwayne Johnson's Moana 2 nears $1 billion at the global box office, silencing critics after his recent box office struggles.
Moana 2’ banked hundreds of millions at the box office, but a new lawsuit alleges that elements of the beloved story are ripped off from another. Find out what it’s all about, ...