When Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor regenerated in Doctor Who, he also paid off a largely forgotten Third Doctor moment from ...
The Time of the Doctor had a lot of loose plot threads to tie up, serving as the conclusion to the Eleventh Doctor's ...
Bidding to start at £100 for over 150 Doctor Who lots, including the Doctors’ costumes and Donna Noble’s wedding dress… The ...
Rose Tyler's (Billie Piper) top, Donna Noble's (Catherine Tate) wedding dress and The Master's (John Simm) jacket are part of ...
You can own Donna Noble's wedding dress or Tenth Doctor’s Tux as a set of Doctor Who props and costumes go up for auction.
Matt Smith is the Doctor! The Eleventh Doctor has exploded onto our screens in spectacular style and you can watch his first scene again along with the new series preview in the video section to ...
Matt Smith had a tough task in following David Tennant, but these episodes prove the Eleventh Doctor was just as good. The jump from David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor to Matt Smith’s Eleventh is ...