Citing the Task Force Gubat sa Baha, Guardo reported that out of 105 houses built within the three-meter easement along the Estero de Parian, 85 houses continue to obstruct the flow of water.
Inspectors also found larger issues with the pools, with a flow meter not working, water from a leak in an equipment room being pumped into a surge pit and maintenance records not being kept. The ADH ...
The Buffalo Water Authority recently installed specifically manufactured water pumps, flow meters and other necessary ...
Buffalo Water announced Saturday that its new fluoridation system has been approved by the Department of Health, with ...
This week, meet a “scuba-diving” lizard, marvel at a spacecraft’s longevity, explore hidden physics in a painting, unravel ...
The scarcity of water in Sonora’s portion of the binational San Pedro River aquifer is sounding an alarm for activists trying to save the arid ...
RFE/RL photo correspondent Petr Trotsenko meets the Tajiks who depend on the Syr Darya River, a waterway that was once bled ...
The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program offers collaborative partnerships between academic ...
Scientists from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration warn of a "grim outlook" for the Thwaites Glacier, also ...
Climate change will fundamentally challenge the world's urban centers. Three cities — San Diego, Milan and Jakarta — offer ...
Hydropower is playing a crucial part in the transition away from fossil fuels by acting as a buffer against the erratic ...