Whooping cough is on the rise in US, and Oklahoma is no exception. Also referred to as pertussis, it's affected 71 Oklahomans ...
Children, especially babies who are not fully vaccinated, face the greatest risk from whooping cough. They are unable to cough productively and may need hospitalization due to complications like ...
Three of the viruses — flu, COVID-19 and RSV — are respiratory viruses and spread from person to person through germ-filled ...
It gets its name from the distinctive "whooping" sound made ... How Does Whooping Cough Spread? The bacteria responsible for whooping cough attach themselves to tiny, hair-like structures called ...
breathlessness and the so-named “whooping” sound. These fits can last several months and are typically more frequent at night. Infants do not usually cough when they have the illness and ...
Lancaster County has already recorded 29 cases of the highly contagious disease this month, the most since the season started ...
which sounds like “whoop,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As shown on News Center 7 at 6:00, Dr. Nancy Pook, with Kettering Health, said whooping cough is ...
Unfortunately, another vaccine-preventable illness is also sickening children and adults at an increased rate over previous ...