Florida residents are fed up with waiting for money they say they're owed in unemployment assistance, so they're turning to ...
There may be a storm brewing in Tallahassee — and for once, Floridians could emerge the better and stronger for it, if they win a round of political gamesmanship over property insurance. It all ...
Florida residents are fed up with waiting for money they say they're owed in unemployment assistance, so they're turning to ...
Florida residents are fed up with waiting for money they say they're owed in unemployment assistance, so they're turning to WPTV for answers.
From alligators to sharks, bears and snakes – if it has fangs or claws, we have it right here in Central Florida. But when ...
The Florida House will not hesitate to shine a light on government waste, eliminate ineffective programs and hold officials ...
The Associated Industries of Florida’s Center for Political Strategy recently released the findings of our latest statewide ...
Less than half of young LGBTQ Floridians feel accepted in their communities, according to new data released by The Trevor Project.
A lack of backbone frequently plagues members of the Florida Legislature, where proposals are altered because lawmakers won't ...
Public outcry opposing last year’s proposal to develop hotels and pickleball courts on state park lands sent a clear message. Floridians are unified in the belief that our natural resources, healthy ...
Most notably, it would delete part of Florida Statute 961.04 that denies payment to exonerees with more than one nonviolent ...