Antimicrobial resistance, also known as AMR, occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites no longer respond to medicines.
Co-facilitators Sweden and Zambia led the Intergovernmental Process to negotiate the Global Digital Compact. It was adopted at the Summit of the Future 22 September, as an appendix of the Pact of the ...
Over one hundred and thirty world leaders are expected to speak at the two day Summit of the Future 22-23 September. Alexander Stubb the President of Finland is, traditionally, the only Nordic Head of ...
Welcome to the Summit of the Future. I thank the co-facilitators, the former and current Presidents of the General Assembly, and all Member States, for their strong engagement, creativity, and spirit ...
Norway is one of three countries which will undergo a review in the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances 25-26 September. The Committee CED) will hold its upcoming session from 23 September to 4 ...
Primeiro-ministro reafirma apoio inequívoco à reforma da governação internacional, destaca trabalho do secretário-geral  e garante que Portugal continuará a investir em energias renováveis e na elimin ...
Nur wenige Stunden zuvor hatte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres den Sicherheitsrat gewarnt, dass im Libanon entlang der von den Vereinten Nationen überwachten Trennungslinie eine katastrophale Lage ...
Gleich zu Beginn seiner Rede warnte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres vor einem Flächenbrand im Nahen Osten. Der Gaza-Krieg sei ein „unaufhörlicher Albtraum“, und nun stehe der Libanon am Abgrund. „ ...
CIMEIRA DO FUTURO Na Cimeira do Futuro, realizada a 22 de setembro de 2024, os líderes mundiais adotaram um Pacto para o Futuro que inclui um Pacto Digital Global e uma Declaração sobre as Gerações Fu ...
Di seguito le Osservazioni del Segretario Generale Antonio Guterres all'evento riguardante gli SDG. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL REMARKS AT SDG MOMENT EVENT New York, 24 September 2024 Excellencies, dear ...
Di seguito il discorso di apertura del Segretario Generale al Vertice del Futuro. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OPENING REMARKS TO THE SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE New York, 22 September ...
La contaminación atmosférica en Europa ha descendido en las dos últimas décadas, pero sigue siendo uno de los mayores riesgos medioambientales para la salud.