Pete Zamperini Character Analysis in Unbroken - SparkNotes
Unlike Louie, Pete is highly responsible and has a good reputation in the community. As a way of helping his younger brother stay out of trouble, Pete serves as Louie’s initial running coach. After Louie breaks into the school gym, Pete convinces Louie’s principal to allow Louie to join a sport.
Unbroken: Character List - SparkNotes
Pete Zamperini. Louie’s devoted brother who served as his initial running coach. He served stateside in the military but never stopped worrying about his brother. When they were reunited, he was overjoyed. He went on to become a beloved and successful high school coach of both football and track. Read an in-depth character analysis of Pete.
Pete Zamperini Character Analysis in Unbroken - LitCharts
Get everything you need to know about Pete Zamperini in Unbroken. Analysis, related quotes, timeline.
Unbroken (book) - Wikipedia
Unbroken is a biography of World War II veteran Louis Zamperini, a former Olympic track star who survived a plane crash in the Pacific Theater, spent 47 days drifting on a raft, and then survived more than two and a half years as a prisoner of war (POW) in …
Character List - CliffsNotes
Cynthia (Applewhite) Zamperini Following WWII, when she was 20, Cynthia met Louie and married him against her family’s wishes. She became a victim of domestic violence, which resulted from Louie’s struggle with PTSD, and decided to divorce Louie.
Unbroken Chapter 1: The One-Boy Insurgency Summary & Analysis …
In the small town of Torrance, California, during the early hour darkness of an August 1929 morning, Louis “Louie” Zamperini, then twelve-years-old, and his older brother Pete watch the German airship, the Graf Zeppelin, pass over their house.
Unbroken Character Analysis - LitCharts
Stranded on a raft in the Pacific Ocean with his friend… read analysis of Louis “Louie” Zamperini. The novel’s antagonist and the epitome of evil, Watanabe is the cruel and psychopathic prison guard who singles out Louie for emotional and physical torture.
Unbroken Characters - GradeSaver
Pete Zamperini. Pete, Louie’s older brother, is the embodiment of responsibility and maturity. He helped Louie out of his fighting and stealing stage, transitioning him from a delinquent life to a successful one. He is another pillar of optimism in this novel, always believing that Louie was alive despite all of the contrasting beliefs and ...
Characters - Unbroken
Pete Zamperini Physical description- Pete was very handsome and well-groomed. Background- His parents were from Italy but was raised in Torrance and they only spoke Italian around the house. Personality- Pete was well behaved and polite to …
Unbroken: Full Book Analysis - SparkNotes
Unbroken is an awe-inspiring nonfiction story about the miraculous capacity of the human spirit, the will to survive, and the power of love to heal the deepest of wounds. Unbroken details the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympian who is drafted in WWII, stranded at sea, captured and imprisoned in a Japanese war camp, and survives.